Tuesday, September 22, 2009

C'est ci n'est pas just a table and chairs

THIS is my first table and chairs in five years, and my first proper one, ever. When I am finally unpacked (whenever that may be) and when I finally get paid so I can buy groceries (whenever that may be) I will be happy to cook you dinner and serve it to you at my little dining room set.

*UPDATE: I am still unpacking and I JUST scratched my new table before I have even sat down to eat a meal at it. I guess a house ain't a home 'til something gets damaged, right? RIGHT?

Deep breath.


Kelly said...

Shirl. No! Way! On my last two IKEA trips I have lingered longingly at this cute little set and wished wished wished we needed a dining room set. Are we a parallelogram?


Alli Arnold said...


I am not surprised. AT ALL.

Can't wail 'til you come over and sit at this table with me!

xo Shirl