Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I'm obsessed right now.

All I want is more boots. I found this photo of a painting I did in 2002 of some tall boots. The painting was auctioned off at a Vogue Magazine charity event! I still just want the boots.


Chris said...

Too bad we can't just draw or paint our outfits on each day - we'd be limited by our imaginations only.

Oh - and when you are painting those boots onto my legs, Alli, can you add some calf muscles?

Anonymous said...

and for me could you do a little less calf muscle and for that matter a little less leg every way horizontally speaking and perhaps a scoosch lower on the heels ,ok ,just on one heel. love the boots and you too, mama

Becky said...

Can you draw cold weather so I can wear boots like the rest of the world? :)